
Event News

Meet the latest land-based technology at Aqua Nor

Water treatment, sludge management, technology, consultancy and also some companies that provide complete facilities are some of this year’s exhibitors.

The aquaculture industry will continue to grow and much of the growth will take place on land. Land-based fish farming has many challenges and even more opportunities. The challenges are largely related to energy, area use, a necessary skills boost, sludge management and the technology available today.

A large number of companies related with land-based farming are in this year’s exhibitors list of Aqua Nor. Water treatment, sludge management, technology, consultancy and also some companies that provide complete facilities such as AquaOptima, AquaMaof, Billund Aquaculture, Clewer Aquaculture, Sterner AS, Nofitech, Akva Group and Krüger Kaldners.

Aqua Nor will be held in Trondheim, Norway from August 20 – 23. More information here.