
Event News

Mycotoxin challenge in aquaculture feeds

As we include increasing levels of plant based ingredients in aquafeeds we also raise the risk of mycotoxin contamination. These toxins are produced as secondary metabolites by fungi and can have serious detrimental effects on fish and shrimp. Ranging from mortalities in severe cases, to economic impacts such as reduced growth, reduced immunity, decreased feed efficiency. They can be caused by a single mycotoxin, or as is more common, by a combination of mycotoxins working together synergistically.

Maarten Jay van Schoonhoven, Aqua Care manager, Olmix group, Netherlands says research into the effects of mycotoxins in aquaculture is increasing but more research is needed to accurately describe the negative impacts in aquaculture production. Clinical signs of mycotoxicosis can easily be overlooked or misinterpreted, which can lead to the wrong approach in dealing with the negative effects. Knowledge and awareness of the role of mycotoxins in aquaculture production are necessary, as are adequate strategies to deal with mycotoxin risk management.

Maarten Jay van Schoonhoven will discuss mycotoxin challenges and solutions at Aquafeed Horizons Asia, 2018

Aquafeed Horizons Asia 2018 is the 11th in’s international technical conference series. It will take place March 27, 2018 at BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand.

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