
Event News

Mycotoxins prevelant in Asia Pacific

Preserving grain quality and tackling mycotoxins at GRAPAS Conference 2010

Mycotoxins prevelant in Asia Pacific

Ingredients and complete feed sampled in Asian countries have been found to be particularly prone to mycotoxins, and their levels can be very high, according to Dr Hsin-Yi Chen, Alltech.  This means that animals are exposed to low to high levels of several mycotoxins day after day. The long exposure time, synergistic effects from several mycotoxins, and stress from the environment and pathogens may further suppress the immunity of animals, enhance the susceptibility of animals to diseases, and reduce vaccine and drug efficacy. Taking strategies and actions to protect animals from mycotoxins is absolutely necessary, Dr Hsin-Yi Chen will say during his presentation during the new grain quality conference, GRAPAS, to take place during Victam Asia 2010, the feed and grain industry trade show to be held in Bangkok, March 3-5, 2010.

These findings are echoed by Ursula Hofsetter, Biomin. More than half of samples analysed by the company since 2005 were contaminated with more than one mycotoxin, she said. In fact, only 25% showed the presence of a single mycotoxin and 17% were categorized as “mycotoxin free” as the contamination was below the limit of detection. The co-occurrence of mycotoxins usually leads to synergistic effects, when the effects of one mycotoxin are enhanced by the presence of another. Hofsetter will review feed quality and animal health findings from the company's extensive survey.

Protecting consumers from mycotoxins, the challenges in preserving overall quality of stored grain in the tropics, the long term preservation of high-moisture grain and maize with a non-corrosive organic acid blend and optimizing the value of stored rice and other grain with modern monitoring equipment, and controlling both the temperature and moisture of the stored commodity will also be discussed.

The GRAPAS conference will take place March 5, 2010, in Bangkok as part of Victam Asia 2010. To register and learn more, visit the conference website: