
Event News

New extrusion course in Africa

FIE is working on a new extrusion course in Africa to be hold from March 16 – 18, 2020. Courses in Chile and Europe are also available.

Food Industry Engineering (FIE) in association with ExtruAfrica are currently working on an extrusion course in Africa that will be held from March 16 – 18, 2020. More information here.

FIE will also hold courses in Chile that will be presented in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish. Registration deadline for Chilean courses is October 23.

  • Aquafeed extrusion technology will be held from November 4 – 6. It covers the principles of extrusion and the design of extrusion processes for aquafeeds, as well as how the formulation interacts with the extrusion process. Principles learned will be demonstrated using an extruder in the Laboratorio de Nutrición y Fisiología de Peces pilot plant.
  • Food & feed drying technology will be held from November 7 – 8. This short course combines the practical perspective of experienced industry professionals with the in-depth technical knowledge of drying processes.

FIE has also announced upcoming courses in Switzerland in 2020:

  • Food extrusion technology will be held from February 10 – 12, 2020. It covers the principles of extrusion, the design of extrusion processes for human food products, and how the formulation interacts with the extrusion process. 
  • Design of food extrusion dies will be held from February 13 – 14, 2020. This course covers the theory and practice of designing dies for extrusion systems. The program is relevant to the production of all types of extruded products - including expanded snacks and breakfast cereals, pastas and third generation snack pellets, pet foods and aquafeeds.