
Event News

NOAWG Meeting, MArch 2, 2011, New Orleans

The (U.S.) National Organic Aquaculture Work Group will meet in New Orleans during Aquaculture America 2011 to help create a strategy and actions to achieve final organic standards

NOAWG Meeting, MArch 2, 2011, New Orleans

It has been some time since the National Organic Aquaculture Work Group (NOAWG) community has met. Much work has been accomplished over the past several years for positive recommendations (with restrictions) from the National Organic Standards Board (a USDA advisory body) for USDA to proceed by a public rulemaking process to create new regulations for national organic standards for aquaculture products. The role of the advisory body is to make recommendations only. The role of the National Organic Program in USDA is to develop the implementing regulations. The members of the Aquaculture Work Group appointed by USDA and under the chairmanship of George Lockwood put in countless hours of effort working with the advisory body.

Max Holtzman, Senior Adviser to the Secretary of Agriculture plans to meet with the group to listen and learn how USDA can assist. 

George Lockwood listed the following as discussion topics:
1. How possibly to accelerate the beginning of Final Rulemaking by the National Organic Program from their most recent expected date of sometime in 2012.
2. The report by the Aquaculture Working Group recommending changes to the recommendations of the National Organic Standards Board for aquaculture.
3. The present activities of the Aquaculture Working Group in petitioning for certain synthetic substances to be included on the NOP National List.

If you are interested in organic aquaculture in the United States, you are encouraged to attend this meeting to help create a strategy and actions to achieve final organic standards.

The meeting will take place on Wednesday,  March 2  beginning at 1:00 pm in the Bacchus room in New Orleans Marriott, site of AA2011.

For more information please contact Gary Jensen