
Event News

Offshore Mariculture Asia 2018 call for papers

The 8th Offshore Mariculture Conference will be held in association with the U.S. Soybean Export Council, USSEC, in Singapore, from May 15 - 17, 2018. The conference will consist of two days of technical presentations and panel discussions from high level experienced operators in the sector. Conference organizers are calling for papers, and abstracts are due by January 19. 

The 8th Offshore Mariculture Conference will be held in association with the U.S. Soybean Export Council, USSEC, in Singapore, from May 15 - 17, 2018. Conference organizers are calling for papers, and abstracts are due by January 19. 

Companies, organizations and individuals are invited to submit  papers in the following categories: 

  • Moving from inefficient “nearshore” production approaches to higher energy offshore/industrial approaches – success stories
  • Zoning, licensing and security for offshore operations – service providers and linkages to regional and national governments
  • Development of large scale hatcheries for production of large quantities of high quality fingerlings, including breeding advances and technology
  • Netting the right offshore technology – cages, netting, monitoring systems
  • Maximizing the efficiency of your operation – need for high quality feeds and targeted nutrition
  • Securing financial support for offshore ventures and joint venture approaches – investment case studies
  • Marketing – identifying/targeting species and markets before production including requirements for standards and certifications

Abstracts using case and “real life” studies will be given preference. Abstracts should be no more than 200 words and should be sent, with a biography of the speaker, headshot photo and logo, to by January 19.

The conference will consist of two days of technical presentations and panel discussions from high level experienced operators in the sector. The event concludes with a technical visit to an operating farm, providing delegates with an insight into their inner workings.