
Event News

ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference focus sessions announced

ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE18), scheduled to be held May 20–22 in Lexington, Kentucky, will provide aqua producers with a unique opportunity to participate in a global conversation about the innovations, challenges and solutions facing the feed industry. Breakout sessions will focus fishmeal-free feeds, offshore and onshore salmon farms, fillet quality, and feeding genetic potential / nutrigenomics.

ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE18), scheduled to be held May 20–22 in Lexington, Kentucky, will provide aqua producers with a unique opportunity to participate in a global conversation about the innovations, challenges and solutions facing their industry. Focus sessions designed to educate and inspire will allow producers to gather insights from leading aqua experts and exchange ideas with peers from around the globe.

ONE18 aqua topics include:

A Trip up the Amazon: Equatorial Aquaculture
Out of the 30,000 fish species in existence, selecting those suitable for aquaculture is challenging, as is the development of feed that meets their specific nutritional demands. Which fish species are being evaluated, and what is their potential? How do arapaima, cobia, yellowtail kingfish and pacu measure up?

First-Rate Fillets: Consistent Quality for Premium Products
When it comes to fillet quality, consumers want to ensure they’re spending their money on a premium product. Getting it right every time, and doing so sustainably, requires expertise and innovation. How can you use nutritional solutions to protect fish fillets for a consistently premium product?

Fish and Chips: Feeding Genetic Potential
Do you know what the gene chip means for your fish? It could unlock their genetic potential for maximum performance and productivity. How? Join us as we explore nutrigenomics.

No Fish Makes Great Fish
As the aquaculture industry strives to manage finite fish meal supplies and fish oil resources, can we still produce a high-quality product? The solutions are out there. Learn how innovative ideas in feed development are helping aqua farmers convert to a zero fish fish out ratio. Come hear about Neo Green, a revolutionary trout diet from Coppens International.

Pooling Resources for a Perfect Fish Environment
Intensive recirculation systems provide opportunities for growth in the aquaculture industry, where feeding the fish is not the only challenge. We must also maintain a complete and healthy ecosystem. From sturgeon to salmon and catfish to eels, the growth potential of this sector is enormous. Is this the future of aquaculture? Can we feed the world and maintain profitability?

Offshore and Onshore: Wading Into the Future of the Salmon Industry
Can we provide the engineering solutions necessary for the harsh environment of the open ocean? Can we realistically produce 5 kilograms of salmon onshore in closed systems? Join Leif Rune Pederson of Norway\'s Erko Seafood as he dives into industry challenges and solutions.

Learn more and register at for a savings of $400 before March 31. Join the conversation with #ONE18 on Twitter, and follow the ONE18 Facebook event page for updates.