
Event News

Online course: AFIA/KSU-500: Fundamentals of feed manufacturing. February 15, 2016.

The course was developed by the feed technology group in K-State’s department of grain science and industry. It will provide participants with in-depth understanding of feed manufacturing.
January 6, 2016

The course was developed by the feed technology group in K-State’s department of grain science and industry. It will provide participants with in-depth understanding of feed manufacturing. Topics include the process flow from particle size reduction to batching and mixing, to conditioning and pelleting, boilers, post-pellet systems, packaging and loadout and maintenance. Even employees with years of experience in the feed industry will find this course valuable. The course begins Feb. 15, and will last a total of five weeks. Course participants may work at their own pace and engage in online discussions about the material presented.

Full information, syllabus and registration details here.