
Event News

Open call for abstracts submission for AlgaEurope 2019

Every year the European algae scene meets at the AlgaEurope conference. Abstracts submissions are now being accepted for topics as aquaculture feeds.

Every year the European algae scene meets at the AlgaEurope conference that offers an opportunity for an exchange between academia and industry to learn and understand the bottlenecks of algae production and commercialization and interact with over 300 key players from more than 43 countries. Currently, there are several European projects, from lab scale to demonstration plants and commercial facilities, aiming to accelerate the commercialization of algal products.

Abstracts submissions are now being accepted for the following topics:

  • Microalgae research and development - from genetics to cultivation
  • European developments in microalgae - novel approaches, products, processes
  • Biorefineries - combining commodities with high value products
  • Life cycle assessments, energy balances, techno-economic studies, resource assessments, locations
  •  Animal and aquaculture feeds
  • Macroalgae research and development - from genetics to cultivation
  • Algae and agriculture: biostimulants, biofertilizers
  • Environmental applications: wastewater treatment and water recycling, nutrients and water recycling. CO2 utilization and abatement

Abstract submission deadline is June 30.

The conference will be held in Paris, France, from December 3-5. For more information visit