
Event News

Phileo to host a conference on the importance of microbiota in animal health

Phileo Microbiota Days will take place from June 14-15 and will provide an overview of the latest scientific results and future developments related to animal microbiota.

Phileo to host a conference on the importance of microbiota in animal health

Phileo will host Phileo Microbiota Days from June 14-15, 2022. The virtual conference will provide an overview of the latest scientific results and future developments related to microbiota and their importance to animal health across the lifespan of different animal species.

High-level keynote speeches will be given by scientists from academia, institutes, and industry from Europe, USA and Brazil. Conference topics include, but are not limited to, interactions between the microbiota and the host, the relationship between microbiota and performances, biomarkers, food safety, functional metagenomics, the rumen microbiome, intestinal bacteriophages, and in vitro tools to study the microbiome for ruminants, poultry, swine, aquaculture and pets.

All live presentations will be open. For more information and to register, visit

“The aim of the Microbiota Days is to promote the unifying concept that a balanced microbiota drives animal health and performance,” said Lamya Rhayat, microbiologist at Phileo by Lesaffre and conference chair.