
Event News

Plant extract standardization for aquaculture feeds

Guillaume Le Reste will discuss the diversity hidden behind the expression “plants extract” and the way research and development can support the development of standardized, sustainable and reliable feed additives for aquafeeds at the seminar, Aquaculture Feed Forum.

Plant extract standardization for aquaculture feeds

Additives made of plant extracts are increasingly available on the market, making it a challenge to discriminate between them. Guillaume Le Reste will discuss the diversity hidden behind the expression “plants extract” and the way research and development can support the development of standardized, sustainable and reliable feed additives for aquafeeds at the seminar, Aquaculture Feed Forum. Examples will be taken from the scientific literature and from the NOR-FEED experience to underline the importance of in-depth knowledge of plant extract composition to understand their mode of action through in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo trials.

Aquaculture Feed Forum, Feeding for Profit is a free half-day international conference (in English) organized by and sponsored by Le Gouessant and Skretting, at Aquaculture SPACE, Rennes, France on September 10.

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