
Event News

Plenaries confirmed for the Latin American Aquaculture Congress

The event will take place from September 24-27, 2024, at the Plaza Mayor Convention Center in Medellín, Colombia.


The Aquaculture in Latin America Congress will join together LACQUA 2024, the VIII Latin American Conference on Native Fish Farming, and the XI Colombian Congress on Aquaculture. The event will take place from September 24-27, 2024, at the Plaza Mayor Convention Center in Medellín, Colombia.

The event will feature three plenary sessions each morning. Each session will focus on topics of great importance to the Latin American aquaculture sector.

On September 25, the plenary session will focus on aquaculture health. The guest speaker is Benjamin Le Frentz, research molecular biologist, Aquatic Animal Health Research Unit, United States Department of Agriculture - USDA Agricultural Research Service. His presentation is entitled Addressing re-emerging Streptococcus agalactiae in tilapia production through international collaboration.

On September 26, there will be a double keynote plenary. The title is Potential and realities of omics technologies in aquaculture. The two speakers will be Nélida Rodriguez Osorio from the Genomics and Bioinformatics Unit of the Universidad de la Republica in Uruguay and Marcela Salazar, scientific director of Benchmark Genetics in Colombia.

On September 27, the event will close with a talk by Crisantema Hernandez Gonzalez, head of the Regional Coordination of the Center for Research in Food and Development - CIAD, in Mazatlan, Mexico. The topic of her talk will be Innovation in aquaculture feed resources.

The academic agenda is under construction and abstract submission is open until July 31. There will be sessions on the following topics: Nutrition and feeding of aquatic organisms; Reproduction, larviculture and fingerling; Aquaculture and ecosystem conservation; Health, biosecurity and welfare of aquatic organisms; Physiology, genetics and genomics of aquatic organisms; Production systems; Processing and value addition; Socioeconomics and agribusiness; Sustainable aquaculture; Standards and certifications; Education and careers in aquaculture; Integrated aquaculture systems; Women in aquaculture; Echinoderms; Aquaculture in the Caribbean; Mollusks; Crustaceans; Plankton and other species; Innovation and technologies in aquaculture.

The program will also include many industry-focused talks on market issues, offers from government agencies and updates on the Colombian aquaculture industry.

This year's trade fair will be the largest trade fair for the aquaculture sector in Colombia with the following companies already confirmed: TGV de Colombia, Feeding Systems, USSEC, Trovan, The Center for Aquaculture Technologies, CEDIA, Leiber, Kennebec River Biosciences, TecnoAqua, Acuagranja, Aquatic Equipment & Design Inc, Corpavet/Molecularvet, Faivre, Prilabsa, Global Motor, Bioaquafloc LLC, ESE Intec, Pharmaq AS, Madan Technologies, Kaeser Compresores, Hyperbox Aquabox, FEDEACUA, Universidad de Antioquia, Universidad CES, Caribbena Aquaculture Hub, Dibaq Aquaculture, AquaLabo, Contegral, Tecnoacua, ACCUA, Asociacion Latinoamericana sobre cultivo de peces nativos, Indumar, Ormendes SA, Aquacenter, Departamento del Huila, OX CTA Colombia SAS, Aqua-Life Products, Panorama Acuicola, Aquamanager, Doctor Tilapua and Dona Trucha, Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario - ICA, CIPA, Hanna Instruments, Pharvet, QLFS LABS SPA, Italcol and Autoridad Nacional de Acuicultura y Pesca - AUNAP. There are very few stands still available.

Registration for the Latin American Aquaculture Congress Innovation and Sustainability for a Global Aquaculture offers special rates for Colombians. It is recommended that those interested register before August 1 to take advantage of the early bird discount.

For more information, visit Register here: Colombians and no-Colombians.