
Event News

Plenary sessions for LACQUA19 available

The list of sessions and their coordinators for the Latin American & Caribbean Chapter of World Aquaculture Society meeting are now available. Abstract deadline is October 10.

LACQUA19 is the 2019 annual meeting of the Latin American & Caribbean Chapter of World Aquaculture Society that will be held in San José, Costa Rica from November 20 – 22.

The list of sessions and their coordinators are now available:

  • Aquaculture socio-economics - Ángel Herrera Ulloa and Javier Martínez Cordero
  • Tilapia - Antonio Campos
  • Zooplankton culture - Ricardo Vieira Rodrigues
  • Ingredients for aquafeeds (DSM) - Jorge Suarez and Juan Ulloa Rojas
  • Fish feeding and nutrition - Luis Conceição
  • Processing technology - Carlos Prentice
  • Rercirculating aquaculture systems - German Merino
  • Aquaponics - Carlos León and Miguel Angel Landines Parra
  • Multitrophic aquaculture system - Ricardo Radulovich
  • Toxicology applied to aquaculture - José Maria Monserrat
  • Native species of Macrobrachium in Latin America - Ingo Wehrtmann and Fernando Vega
  • Fish diseases - Paola Barato
  • Shrimp disease - Luis Fernando Aranguren Caro
  • Echinoderms: biology and aquaculture - Adriana Rodríguez Forero and Tamara Rubilar
  • Fish larviculture - Sofia Engrola
  • Marine fish - Jonathan Chacón, Daniel Benetti and Neil Duncan
  • Fish reproduction - Danilo Streit Junior
  • Fish physiology - Paula Vissio
  • Ornamental species - Monica Tsuzuki and Miquel Planas
  • Seaweeds and Halophytes - Ricardo Radulovich
  • Aquaculture and the environment - Lindsay Ross and Antonio Campos Mendoza
  • Sustainable Aquaculture - Karina Ribeiro and Dane Klinger
  • Genetics in aquaculture - Giovana Sotil
  • Social aquaculture and indigenous communities - Adriana Patricia Munoz Ramirez and Guillermo Hurtado
  • Education and careers in aquaculture - Antonio Garza de Yta
  • Red Larvaplus - Enric Gisbert
  • Salmonids aquaculture - Jose Gallardo Matus
  • Shrimp reproduction - Jorge Alfaro Montoya and Laura López Greco
  • Pangassius aquaculture - Diego Esteban Platas Rosado and Andres Pulido
  • Technological innovations - Felipe Matias
  • Macrobrachium rosembergii aquaculture - José Antonio Valverde Montoya and Karina Ribeiro
  • Innovations in shrimp production (Biomar) - Laurence Massaut
  • Digital transformation - Salvador Meza

A special session on ecology and cultivation of Macrobrachium will be led by Dr. Wagner Cotroni Valenti. Dr. Valenti is a member of the World Aquaculture Society, research scientist and professor at the State University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In his talk, the following topics will be discussed: ecology of native prawns; physiology and genetics; health and diseases; production systems; nutrition and food; and sustainability of the crop.

An Industry Forum will be held on November 21 and aquaculture producers are invited. In the morning, the forum will focus on the present and future of aquaculture in Costa Rica. The afternoon will consist of sessions hosted by private companie such as:

  • Maximizing the benefits of multi-enzymes for aquatic diets: potential for growth and performance in tilapia - Janielle Wallace, MSD.
  • Sustainability in the marine fish industry of warm waters, an emerging market - Eduardo Coronas, Biomar.
  • Different types of vaccines for tilapia and their benefits - Luc Grisez, Merck.
  • Trace mineral role in the replacement of fishmeal - Claudia Silva, Zinpro.

Abstract submission deadline is October 10. For more information about LACQUA19 visit LACQUA19.