
Event News

Practical manufacturing constraints and their impact on feed formulation resource allocation models

Traditionally, feed formulation tools have primarily focused on nutrition and resource allocation decisions as the driver for their output. Issues that affect the actual manufacturing of the feeds designed by these tools have been difficult to adequately incorporate. These issues include weighing constraints, effects of ingredients on quality, throughput and energy use and silo availability.
April 2, 2015

At Aquafeed Horizons 2015, Ian Mealey, Head of Operations, Format International Ltd will discuss optimization techniques that are now becoming available and which offer the formulator the ability to more accurately model these aspects alongside nutritional and ingredient purchasing parameters in a more holistic approach. This capability will inevitably have a positive feedback on the measurement of ingredient value and subsequent resource allocation decisions.

Aquafeed Horizons will take place in Cologne, Germany on June 9, 2015 along side FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS tradeshows. Pre-registration required to guarantee your place and you are strongly advised to register early.

Full information including presentation outlines, speakers biographies and registration can be found at: