
Event News

PROCEEDINGS: Aquafeed Horizons 2017

Proceedings for Aquafeed Horizons 2017 are now available for download from the MEMBERS SECTION.

Proceedings from  AQUAFEED HORIZONS 2017, which took place  June 14, 2017 in Cologne, Germany are now available for download in the Aquafeed Members Section.

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New developments in aquafeed production by extrusion

Unravelling the mysteries of extrusion die flow using CFD

Extruded aquafeed quality management; Relations between technology and extruded aquafeed quality 

Alternatives to water-plasticization in the extrusion process – reduced drying costs and improved physical pellet quality

Processing efficiencies for sustainability and profits

Hybrid dryer exhaust air processing; towards a sustainable solution for odor abatement with concurrent energy  and water recovery

Feed and food processing – Technology transfer and novel ingredients

Mycotoxins in aquaculture: occurrence and impact in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).

Breaking the bottleneck: Feed-based solutions to the recurring challenges in aquaculture

Toward higher inclusion of soybean meal in salmon feeds

Effect of an immuno-modulating algal extract on disease prevention in aquaculture

Deforestation-free and sustainable vegetable fats and proteins for aquaculture feed


 For more information about the  Aquafeed Horizons series of international technical conferences for aquafeed professionals, visit