
Event News

Raw material and health challenges discussed at AquaSpeech workshop

Eight presentations discussed different ingredients and strategies to support the industry through aquafeeds.

Credits: AquaSpeech

The first workshop AquaSpeech, conversations to have took place last Tuesday, September 12, at the Enjoy Hotel in Puerto Varas, Chile and brought together 145 attendees. also joined the event. Eight presentations discussed different ingredients and strategies to support the industry through aquafeeds.

The workshop was opened by Esteban Ramírez, manager of Intesal, SalmonChile, who presented an overview of the challenges that the industry has in the search for sustainable, available, competitive and functional ingredients that support its future growth.

The first presenter was Pablo Berner, aquaculture business lead at Nuseed, with the presentation New sources of omega-3. Berner highlighted that the use of fish oil in the aquafeed industry has been reduced in the past few years and fish oil production has stagnated. This has led to an increase in the use of plant-based oils such as Nuseed’s omega-3 canola oil. Berner presented a trial where salmon fed a diet with canola omega-3 oil had higher survival and more robustness during an SRS episode.

Juan Cabotá Jimenez, director of institutional relations and corporate social responsibility at Kaura, presented Sustainable future with current formulations: CO2 neutral meals, discussing the circular production of animal-based ingredients of the company and how it has achieved a carbon-neutral footprint in its production processes.

Jorge Torres, business development director LATAM & NA from Veramaris, presented Benefits of Optimum Omega Nutrition for its commercial use in salmonids, the company’s guidelines to meet EPA and DHA requirements in salmon. Torres presented a commercial case study in Blumar and results from the recent partnership with Manolin that analyzed data from Norwegian production zones to provide insights on the impact of dietary EPA and DHA on salmon performance.

Javier González, scientific advisor at Nuproxa, presented Ingredients for a more sustainable salmon feed: Insect meal and enzymes, discussing the importance of phosphorous and how to reduce its excretion through different strategies combining phytase and natural plant extracts. Through a series of trial results, González discussed the impact on phophorous release as well as its support to animal health.

Felipe Almendras, founder of Greenvolution, presented Additives in feeds: A green alternative for pathogen control. Almendras highlighted disease control as one of the main challenges of the industry that should move into the reduction of the use of pharmaceuticals. Strategies using natural feed additives were suggested as key to a more sustainable aquaculture production. Almendras called for the industry to stay ahead of the curve and develop and adopt them as soon as possible since it is expected to be a regulatory requirement in the near future.

Rafael Burgos, a pharmacologist at the University Austral of Chile, presented NatControl, an additive with immunostimulant properties for salmonids. The main additive is andrographolide, a plant-based extract that has been tested in humans and other livestock species and has also resulted in positive effects on health management in salmon.

Marianne Nergård, veterinarian and product director of Krill Aqua Department at Aker BioMarine, presented Krill, the perfect raw material for future feeds. Nergård stated that krill is more than a fishmeal replacer and that it can support future feeds with novel raw materials thanks to its highly valuable nutrients, improving palatability, health and performance.

Patricio Lagos Allen, sales manager Chile at Symrise Aqua Feed, presented Sustainable growth is possible. Lagos Allen discussed the palatability enhancers, proteins from byproducts and bioactive peptides the company offers for a sustainable aquaculture.

The organizers are working on a new edition of the event.