
Event News

Registration open for Improving Gut Health through Aquafeeds webinar will hold a free webinar on March 29 at 12 pm CET, 17 pm Bangkok, discussing strategies using feed ingredients and additives for an optimal gut health, microbiota balance and performance. 

Registration open for Improving Gut Health through Aquafeeds webinar will hold a free webinar, Improving gut health through aquafeeds, on March 29 at 12 pm CET, 17 pm Bangkok. Optimal gut health is vital for aquaculture species and this webinar will discuss risk-mitigating strategies using feed ingredients and additives for an optimal gut health, microbiota balance and performance. 

The webinar is sponsored by MOTIV™.

Improving gut health through aquafeeds 

March 29 at 12 pm CET, 17 pm Bangkok 


  • Bioactive protein ingredient for animal gut-health and stress resistance, Nguyen Duy Hoa, Global Technical Director, MOTIV™
  • Feed additives help protect fish gut health and function, Martin Guerin, Regional Technical Manager, Adisseo Malaysia
  • Phytogenics and gut health improvement in aquaculture, Siméon Fagnon, Innovation Product Manager, Phytsosynthese
  • Low dosage, big impact – Yeast effects on gut health, Valentin Eckart, Product Manager Aqua Application, Biochem

Moderator: Hans Boon, founder of aquafeed consultancy company, Aquaculture Experience

Register HERE.