
Event News

Registration open for Seagriculture 2016

Seagriculture - the 5th International Seaweed Conference will once again bring together senior executives from industry and academia to discuss the latest commercial and technical developments, challenges and research breakthroughs throughout the entire seaweed value chain.

Seagriculture - the 5th International Seaweed Conference will once again bring together senior executives from industry and academia to discuss the latest commercial and technical developments, challenges and research breakthroughs throughout the entire seaweed value chain. Seagriculture has been organised three times in the Netherlands, and once in France. This edition Seagriculture will take place in Aveiro Portugal.

Partners include Wageningen University, ALGAplus, IHC, AWI-Alfred Wegener Institute, Olmix, UPorto, CIIMAR, NIOZ, EABA and DLG e.V.

Find out more.