
Event News

Registration opens for 69th FEFAC public annual meeting

The event will take place in Rome on May 29 and this year’s theme is New EU vision for more competitive and sustainable livestock economy & outlook on transatlantic green feed trade.


Early bird registration for the 69th FEFAC Public Annual Meeting which will take place in Rome on May 29, 2025, is now open. This year’s main theme is New EU vision for more competitive and sustainable livestock economy & outlook on transatlantic green feed trade.

Registered participants will have the opportunity to attend the FAO-FEFAC workshop, titled FAO and European Feed Sector Perspective for the Uptake of Sustainable, Safe, and More Circular Feed Solutions for the Transformation of European Livestock and Aquaculture Farms, which will be held at the FAO headquarters in Rome.

During the event, there will be high-level expert panel sessions moderated by Andrea Bertaglio, environmental journalist, and Anton van den Brink, FEFAC deputy secretary general. Two-panel sessions with international experts and key value chain partners, among which are the European Commission, Flavio Coturni, DG TRADE, European Dairy Association (EDA), European Livestock Voice (ELV), COCERAL, USSEC, CIARA-CEC and ABIOVE, will explore the EU’s vision for competitive and sustainable livestock and aquaculture, emphasizing innovations like circular feed ingredients to enhance the livestock sector’s contribution to the bioeconomy, as well as transatlantic green feed trade, highlighting the challenges and opportunities of EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) implementation.

The 69th FEFAC Public Annual Meeting will be held at the prestigious Villa Aurelia, on the crest of the Janiculum Hill, in the heart of Rome. The draft event program is available here.

“The European feed and livestock sector continues to dedicate itself to the objectives of the FEFAC Sustainability Charter 2030. Despite geopolitical tensions and challenges to free trade, it is important to remain proactive and explore the opportunities for sustainable trade, capitalizing on the investments of compound feed manufacturers in innovative animal nutrition solutions to enhance the resilience and competitiveness of the EU livestock and aquaculture sectors,” said Pedro Cordero, president of FEFAC.