
Event News

Seminar on functional additives in salmon - Chile

The seminar Strategic dimension of the use of functional additives and ingredients in salmon production will be held on December 18, 2020 in Puerto Varas, Chile. Norwegian and Chilean researchers will be taught the seminar.

The event is organized by Acuaim aand together with HP Ingredients and the Chilean INCAR Center, will be taught by Leidy Lagos from Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Juan Hancke from HP ingredients, Paula Miranda from Acuaim and INCAR researchers, Alex Romero and René Manríquez from the Animal Health in the Marine Environment group.

Some of the topics that will be addressed are:

  • Impact of new sources of protein on the immunological status and diversity of microbiota in salmon.
  • Modulation of the immune system using phytogenic compounds.
  • T lymphocytes and phytogenic additives, the case of NatControl.
  • Standardization of botanical extracts, why is it so relevant?
  • The impact of nutriepigenomics on the immune response of salmon.
  • Combining tools: strategies to improve multiple indicators: exchange of experiences.

The seminar has a limited capacity. It will be held on December 18, 2020 in Puerto Varas, Chile. For more information and registration, contact Paula Miranda.