
Event News

Shrimp farming, disease management and marketing at GOAL 2019

The Global Aquaculture Alliance’s annual conference joins forward-thinking leaders from across the global aquaculture value chain in reviewing production, sustainability, innovation and market drivers.

The Global Aquaculture Alliance’s annual Global Outlook for Aquaculture Leadership (GOAL) conference joins forward-thinking leaders from across the global aquaculture value chain in reviewing production, sustainability, innovation and market drivers.

One of the sessions, Exciting Innovations in Shrimp Farming, Disease Management and Marketing, will focus on the latest innovations in shrimp farming. Moderated by GAA’s George Chamberlain, this session will feature Loc Tran of ShrimpVet Laboratory, who will explain advances in shrimp disease management; Ahmed Alballaa of National Aquaculture Group, who will describe the adoption of new technologies that are driving efficiencies in Saudi Arabia; Sreeram Raavi of Eruvaka, who will discuss a suite of new technologies improving the efficiency of feeding and pond management; Robins McIntosh of CP Foods, who will share remarkable advances in sustainable intensification; and Travis Larkin of The Seafood Exchange, who will talk about progress toward development of an initiative to increase shrimp consumption in the U.S. market.

The conference will be held in Chennai, China from October 21 – 24. More information and registration here.