
Event News

Single use or multiple purpose extruder designs

How to select a machine, manage these options as well as determine which system or option is right for your use will be discussed at Aquafeed Horizons Asia in April
January 8, 2014

Extrusion cookers have been evolving continuously since they were first developed close to 75 years ago for the feed industry.  Extrusion developed on a simple basis with improvements which allowed for different products to be manufactured.  One of the first things noticed was that feeds floated in water.  Something as simple as this coupled with ever-changing ingredient possibilities create an array of possibilities on how to achieve the final product.  Currently there are a multitude of extruder designs with designs for specific uses.  There are also designs with add on options which allow for a wide range of products to be made on the same equipment.  How to select a machine, manage these options as well as determine which system or option is right for your use will be discussed by Joseph P. Kearns, Aquaculture Process Engineering Manager, Wenger Manufacturing, Inc. at Aquafeed Horizons Asia in April.

The 7th Aquafeed Horizons Asia conference “Advances in Processing & Formulation” will take place April 8, 2014 in Rooms 224/225, BITEC, Bangkok, dusing VICTAM/FIAAP/GRAPAS Asia 2014


Pre-registration is required: register now tol qualify for discounted registration. Special rates are also available for students, groups and when you also register for the FIAAP Conference at the same time). Register at:

The conference language is English and for the first time, both conferences will provide simultaneous interpretation into Thai. 


The full program is available at