As part of AE2014 organizers announced there will be a special one-day event to address the production performance of the sea bass and sea bream sector by providing a forum for discussion of some of the important technical challenges that underlie production performance.
This forum will bring together scientific and production knowledge to help better explain and understand the issues that may contribute to this position, so as to facilitate cooperation and actions to solve them.
Organised by EAS and EATIP, the event will take place within the AE 2014 meeting at the Kursaal in Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain on Thursday, October 16.
The event targets industry leaders, production, hatchery, technical and health managers, feed manufacturers and other suppliers, scientists and those that follow developments in the sector.
More information and the provisional program. AE2014 delegates have free access to this event. For those that only wish to attend this event, registration is €50 and can be paid online or onsite.