
Event News

Sustainable Feeds Workshop – Stirling, UK – January 27, 2016

The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre is hosting a collaborative industry-academic workshop on sustainable feeds at the Stirling Court Hotel.
January 19, 2016

The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre is hosting a collaborative industry-academic workshop on sustainable feeds at the Stirling Court Hotel.

The workshop will pave the way for SAIC and its consortium members to develop commercially-relevant projects on sustainable feeds for finish, one of the four priority innovation areas.

The event will focus on three specific issues:

    • health effects of feeding, including gut microbiome, changes in diet and susceptibility to disease

    • sources of EPA/DHA

  • alternative protein sources, locally sourced, with low environmental impact.

These were identified by participants at a workshop in December 2015 as currently being the three most pressing issues for industry. Addressing these could make a significant contribution to the sustainable growth of aquaculture in Scotland, as well as contributing to food security and industry profitability.

Attendance at the workshop is limited to industry and researchers. If you would like to attend, please email Donald, indicating which one of the three issues is most relevant to you.