
Event News

TAFT 2012 4th Trans-Aatlantic Fisheries Technology Conference, October 30 - November, 2, 2012 - Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA

The 4th Trans Atlantic Fisheries Technology Conference is a joint meeting of the Atlantic Fisheries Technology Conference (AFTC) and the Western European Fish Technologists Association (WEFTA) hosted in 2012 by the Seafood Science and Technology Society of the Americas (SST). This year's theme is Navigating the World of Seafood Product Integrity
September 21, 2012

The 4th Trans Atlantic Fisheries Technology Conference is a joint meeting of the Atlantic Fisheries Technology Conference (AFTC) and the Western European Fish Technologists Association (WEFTA) hosted in 2012 by the Seafood Science and Technology Society of the Americas (SST). This year's theme is Navigating the World of Seafood Product Integrity,

Download the pagenda from the link below.

Full details are now available from the conference website.