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The father of aquaculture in Asia wins Nikkei Asia Prize

Chiu Liao, lifetime professor at National Taiwan Ocean University, was the winner of the Nikkei Asia Prizes for science and technology. In 1968, the professor became the first to artificially breed black tiger shrimp.

The father of aquaculture in Asia wins Nikkei Asia Prize

Chiu Liao, lifetime professor at National Taiwan Ocean University, was the winner of the Nikkei Asia Prizes for science and technology. In 1968, the professor became the first to artificially breed black tiger shrimp. This led to the development of shrimp farming in Southeast Asia, allowing those involved to increase their income. Now 82, he is known as the "father of aquaculture in Asia."

Nikkei Asia Prizes, which are awarded each year, are designed to recognize outstanding achievements that contribute to the region's sustainable development and to the creation of a better future for Asia. Nikkei Asia Prizes are awarded in three areas of achievements: economic and business innovation, science and technology and culture and community.