
Event News

WAS-APC Student and Women Award Winners and Farm Tour at APA17

The Travel Award for Women and Students WAS-APC committee has announced this year\'s winners, who will participate in Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2017 (APA17) conference. \"We would like to congratulate the awardees in both categories for their outstanding submissions. We look forward to see you all this summer in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.” In addition, event organizers have announced a post conference full day farm tour.

The Travel Award for Women and Students WAS-APC committee has announced this year\'s winners, who will participate in Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2017 (APA17) conference.  

The award committee of the World Aquaculture Society, Asian Pacific Chapter (WAS-APC) together with external reviewers (12 scientists in total) have evaluated the abstracts submitted by students for the APA17 conference taking place this summer in Kuala Lumpur. All in all, 58 abstracts were ranked and the awardees for the Pre-Conference Student Travel Awards for 400 USD each are:

  • Rui A. Goncalves (University of Stirling) “Micotoxins in SE Asia aquaculture plant-based meals”
  • Tin Han Chien (Taiwan, National Cheng Kung University) “Characterization of gonad development in grouper with gonad specific markers – PIWIL2 and VASA”
  • Steven Gamble (Australia, James Cook University Townsville) “THE COMPARATIVE AEROBIC ETABOLISM OF BARRAMUNDI Lates calcarifer AND BROWN-MARBLED GROUPER Epinephelus fuscoguttatus”

The award committee also announced that with the support of Aquaculture without Frontiers (AwF) and three external jury members selected by WAS-APC, it has evaluated submissions for the Women award of 600 USD each. The successful candidates for this year are as follows:

  • Christaline George, Nanyang Technical University (Singapore)
  • Indah Susilowati, Diponegoro University (Indonesia)
  • Juli-anne Royes Russo, Juli-Anne Royes LLC (USA)

“We would like to congratulate the awardees in both categories for their outstanding submissions. We also wish them the best in their future endeavors. WAS-APC will carry on supporting excellent young and promising scientists as its conferences. We look forward to see you all this summer in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,” said Dr Guillaume Drillet, President- Elect of the World Aquaculture Society, Asian Pacific Chapter, on Behalf of the Award Committee of the WAS-APC.

On 28th July, there will be a farm tour organized by the Malaysian Fisheries Society. The full day farm tour will include visits to marine fish cage farming activities, an indoor marine fish farm, nursery and hatchery and a shrimp farm in Selangor.

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