
Event News

Yeast products application in aquaculture in the context of low fishmeal diet

Nadège Richard will talk about yeast products that could be an alternative solution as a protein source complementing plant ingredients or as functional additives to counteract detrimental effects of plant proteins on fish and shrimp growth performance and immune status at a free SPACE conference.
Yeast products application in aquaculture in the context of low fishmeal diet

Phileo by Lesaffre will present ‘Yeast products application in aquaculture, in the context of low fishmeal diets’ at the Aquaculture Feed Forum, Feeding for Profit, a free conference that will be held at SPACE, Rennes, France on September 10.

To face the decreasing availability in traditional ingredients of aquafeeds, fishmeal and fish oil, the development of the aquaculture sector implied a search for new ingredient sources and an evolution of the formulas. As such, plant ingredients are nowadays being commonly incorporated in fish feed formulas. However, inclusion of high levels of plant ingredients are still challenging, due to negative impacts on feed intake, perturbations of metabolic and health status, and growth performance slowdown. Nadège Richard will talk about yeast products rich in proteins that could be an alternative solution to be used as protein source complementing plant ingredients or as functional additives to counteract detrimental effects of plant proteins on fish and shrimp growth performance and immune status.

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