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Chile signs deal to export Coho salmon to China

Chile is the main Coho salmon producer with about 89% of the total global production.


Chinese President XI Jinping and Chilean President Gabriel Boric signed a protocol that will allow the entry of Chilean Coho salmon into the Chinese market in a fresh format.

“An aspiration of more than 20 years is materialized today within the framework of Chile Week Beijing 2023 and President Boric's visit to China,” said Sady Delgado, general manager of AquaChile on LinkedIn. “The work of the Ministry of Economy, Sernapesca, Undersecretary of Fisheries and Ministry of Agriculture to support Chile's foreign trade as a food power has been enormous.”

Chile is the main Coho salmon producer with about 89% of the total global production (FAO, 2023). “This is an important meeting since for more than a decade China has been our main trading partner and both countries share a long connection that involves cultural and economic aspects,” Chilean government said in a statement.