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Global Shrimp Council unveils elected board of directors

The newly elected members will collaborate to promote shrimp consumption first in the USA and later in different geographies worldwide.

The Global Shrimp Council was established in 2023. Credits: GSF

The Global Shrimp Council appointed its inaugural board of directors, marking a significant milestone in the council's journey toward educating consumers about the nutritional values of shrimp consumption.

The newly elected board members bring a wealth of expertise and experience from various shrimp-producing origins worldwide that along with importers and industry-related members will collaborate to promote shrimp consumption first in the USA and later in different geographies worldwide.

The Global Shrimp Council was established as a council within the framework of the National Fisheries Institute with the ambition to increase shrimp per capita consumption by promoting it as a healthy and delicious source of protein.

The members of the newly signed board of directors are:

  • Jose Antonio Lince - Almar (Ecuador)
  • Sandro Coglitore - Omarsa (Ecuador)
  • Diego Puente - Santa Priscila (Ecuador)
  • Jose Rincon - Grupo Lamar (Venezuela)
  • Jessica Rodriguez - Mer Seafood (Honduras)
  • Indra Kumar Alluri - Avanti Feeds (India)
  • Choudary Karuturi - Apex Frozen Foods (India)
  • Mahendra Yarlagadda - Devi Fisheries (India)
  • Diego Illingworth - NAQUA (Suadi Arabia)
  • Aris Utama - Bumi Menara Internusa (Indonesia)
  • Kristin Veriga - eFishery (Indonesia)
  • Gabriel Luna and David Castro (co-chairs and founding members)

The establishment of the board of directors represents a crucial step forward in the evolution of the Global Shrimp Council, enabling strategic decision-making and governance to guide the council's mission of educating consumers about the nutritional benefits of shrimp consumption.

"We are thrilled to welcome such esteemed individuals to the inaugural board of directors of the Global Shrimp Council," said Gabriel Luna and David Castro, co-chairs of the Council. "Their diverse backgrounds and expertise will be instrumental in steering our collective efforts towards a prosperous future for the global shrimp industry."

Lisa Wallenda Picard, CEO of the National Fisheries Institute, extended the warmest congratulations to the newly elected board members looking forward to their valuable contributions in shaping the future of the shrimp industry worldwide.