
Downstream news

Japanese communications group opens land-based farm in Japan

NEC Networks & System Integration Corporation, completed the construction of the group’s first land-based salmon facility, the Fuji/Katsuragawa Factory.


NESIC Land Aquaculture Co., Ltd. (NESIC Land Aquaculture), a group company of Japanese communications giant, NEC Networks & System Integration Corporation, completed the construction of the group’s first land-based salmon facility, the Fuji/Katsuragawa Factory.

Fuji/Katsuragawa Factory is a sustainable land-based aquaculture facility that enables the stable production of safe, secure, and high-quality salmon by fusing the latest land-based aquaculture technology with NEC Networks & System Integration’s ICT/digital technology.

“We will contribute to the local economy in Yamanashi Prefecture through employment and sales of salmon produced at this factory. In addition, by deploying this factory as a model of a digitized land-based aquaculture farm both in Japan and overseas, we will contribute to the resolution of social issues such as preserving the marine environment and food problems,” the company said.

With a floor area of ​​about 4,000 square meters, the RAS farm has a production capacity of 500 tonnes per year. The first juveniles are expected to be introduced in January 2023.