

2006 IFFO Annual Conference - Barcelona, Spain

The 2006 International Fishmeal and Fish Oil Organisation Annual Conference will take place October 23-26, 2006 in Barcelona, Spain. This year's theme is "Sustainable Business Development"

The 2006 IFFO Annual Conference will take place October 23-26, 2006 in Barcelona, Spain. This year's theme is "Sustainable Business Development".

The program for the main sessions:

Opening Session:
Jonathan Shepherd: IFFO’s priorities for a sustainable industry
Jon Magnusson: Iceland’s commitment to responsible and sustainable fishing
Jens Bjerg Sørensen: An investor’s perspective on sustainable industries

A Forward Look at the Industry's key Markets
- How are the fishmeal and fish oil price and other factors likely to impact on demand from:
(i) farmed fish?, (ii) shrimps?, (iii) pigs and poultry?
Experts compare different commercial scenarios for the main aquatic and land animal species.
- Viggo Halseth: A feed industry view on the likely implications of research on alternative raw materials

Concluding Session
Bjørn Myrseth: Building an aquaculture business for long term prosperity
Carlos de Bracamonte: Remaining a reliable partner in a changing world
George Chamberlain: Building global alliances together
Jonathan Shepherd: Conference conclusions and message to the trade

Early Bird Deadline for Registration is Friday 18 August.
Preliminary conference brochure and the registration form are available for download from the IFFO website