

4th European Practical Aquaculture Feed Extrusion Course

The Fourth European Practical Short Course on Aquaculture Feed Extrusion, Nutrition, & Feed Formulation will be held September 18 - 19 at the University of Ghent, Belgium.

4th European Practical Aquaculture Feed Extrusion Course to be held in Ghent, Belgium on September 18 - 19, 2006.



The Fourth European Practical Short Course on Aquaculture Feed Extrusion, Nutrition, & Feed Formulation will be held September 18 - 19 at the University of Ghent, Belgium.


The course is designed for both new plant personnel and experts in the field to discuss current problems and enhance plant operations. It features equipment manufacturers on-hand to discuss aquafeed plant design and equipment selection.


Course topics include: Current market trends; aquafeed formulation and manufacturing technology (including extrusion of floating, sinking and high fat feeds); use of ingredients; and nutritional requirements of fish and shrimp, aqua feed quality control: Chemical and microbiological aspects environmental issues and noise and odor control..


For more information: Dr. Ignace Debruyne, , .




This is a crash course for new plant personal and opportunity for those who are experienced to meet experts in the field to discuss their current problems to enhance their plant operations. The course material will also serve as a useful reference for processors, product formulators, chemists and technicians as well as business managers familiar with aquaculture feed, extrusion, nutrition and feed management.

This is the only extensive program in Europe that covers a wide range of topics with specific practical aspects!




•  Current and Future Market Trends

•  Fundamentals of Extrusion Technology,

•  Feed Preparation

•  Grinding for Aquatic Feeds

•  Feed Pelletization

•  Vacuum Coating and Microencapsulation

•  Drying of Aquafeed

•  Aquatic Feed Extrusion

•  Feed Quality Control

•  Control of Product Density during Extrusion

•  Twin Screw Extruders

•  Applications and Case Studies

•  Aqua Feed Quality Control: Chemical and Microbiological Aspects


This is the only extensive program in Europe that covers a wide range of topics with specific practical aspects!



• Mr. Alain Brisset , CLEXTRAL, /France

• Dr. Luis Conchello , Kemin Europa NV, Herentals, /Belgium

• Dr. Peter Coutteau , INVE Aquaculture Nutrition, /Spain

• Dr. Markus Hofer , Vice President, Bühler AG Extrusion Systems, /Switzerland

• Mr. Arthur vom Hofe , CPM Roskamp Champion, / Netherlands

• Mr. Mathieu Maes , Product Manager,

Dinnissen BV
, The Netherlands

• Mr. Eric De Muylder , Director, Creve Tec, Belgium

• Mr. Andy Sharpe , Aeroglide Europe, United Kingdom

• Mr. Koenraad Schwarzer , Technical Manager Additives, INVE Nutri-AD, /Belgium

• Dr. John Sissons , The Solae Company, /UK

• Mr. Jan Swiers , Manager European branch, Wenger Overseas, Inc., /Belgium

• Mr. Olivier Thouvard , Sales Director, Rotex, /Belgium

• Dr. Tom Verleyen , Kemin Europa NV, Herentals, /Belgium

• Mr. Jacques C. Wijnoogst , Consultant,

Tema-International BV
, /Netherlands


Technical Program



8:30 Current and Future Market Trends in Aquaculture Feed, Dr. Peter Coutteau

9:00 Fundamentals of Introduction to Extrusion Technology, Mr. Jan Swiers

10:00 Feed Preparation Technology, Dr. Markus Hofer

10:30 Coffee/Tea Break

11:00 Grinding for Aquatic Feeds, Mr. Arthur vom Hofe

11:30 Feed Pelletization, Mr. Arthur vom Hofe

12:00 Lunch

13:30 Drying of Aquafeed, Mr. Andy Sharpe

14:30 Absorption Coating by means of Vacuum, Mr. Mathieu Maes

15:00 Feed Coating and Micro Encapsulation, Mr. Jacques C. Wijnoogst

15:30 Coffee/Tea Break

16:00 Production of Feeds for Shrimp, Mr. Eric De Muylder

16:30 Extrusion Dies: Product Shaping and Process Variables, Mr. Alain Brisset

17:00 Environmental Issues: Noise and Odor Control, Mr. Jacques C. Wijnoogst



8:30 Applications of Soy Protein Concentrates in Aquafeed, Mr. John Sissons

9:00 Aquatic Feed Extrusion: Applications of Twin Screw Extruders, Mr. Jan Swiers

9:30 Aqua Feed Quality Control: Chemical and Microbiological Aspects, Mr. Koenraad Schwarzer

10:00 New Extrusion Technology with Online Control of Product Density and Specific Mechanical Energy Input, Dr. Markus Hofer

10:30 Coffee/Tea Break

11:00 Aqua Feed Quality: Lipid Oxidation, and Palatability, Dr. Tom Verleyen

11:30 Aquaculture Feeds: Technologies and Products, Mr. Alain Brisset

12:00 Lunch

13:30 Good Aquafeed Screening Allows a Good Nutritional Quality Feed and Optimizes Production, and Reduces Losses, Mr. Olivier Thouvard

14:00 Environmental Issues: Noise and Odor Control, Mr. Jacques C. Wijnoogst

14:30 Hygienic Feed Preparation - HACCP and GMP, Dr. Luis Conchello

15:00 High Fat Extrusion for Aquafeed, Mr. Jan Swiers


Registration Information


Registration rate includes short course manuals, lunches and coffee breaks


On or Before August 18, 2006     845.00 EUR (includes 21% VAT)

After August 18, 2006                 965.00 EUR (includes 21% VAT)




Payment by Bank Transfers: IBAN account number

BE76 7380 1169 5895 of AQUAFEED, KBC Bank, Izegem, Belgium (BIC code: KRED BEBB)

Check Payments: Check should be payable to "AQUAFEED06 Short Course"

and mailed to:



Haverhuisstraat 28, B-8870 Izegem (Belgium)

Tel.: +32 (0)51 31 12 74

Fax: +32 (0)51 31 56 75



For more information: Dr. Ignace Debruyne:
