

7,500MT illegal fishmeal: Sernapesca reports threats by company under investigation

SERNAPESCA reports that since the report of the seizure of more than 7,500 metric tons (MT) of fishmeal without proof of legal origin, found in five storage facilities linked to the marketer Salmones Chile SA, and processed by Bahia Coronel SA, it has been subjected to constant harassment and pressure from agents and leaders linked to the fishing activity.

SERNAPESCA reports that since the report of the seizure of more than 7,500 metric tons (MT) of fishmeal without proof of legal origin, found in five storage facilities linked to the marketer Salmones Chile SA, and processed by Bahia Coronel SA - both linked to entrepreneur Francisco Javier Errazuriz, a former candidate for the Presidency of the Republic - it has been subjected to constant harassment and pressure from agents and leaders linked to the fishing activity.

The regional director of SERNAPESCA, Bio Bio, Marta Araneda, is allowing the fishing firm Bahia Coronel to operate as usual, with no prohibitions or restrictions on its operations.

\"The only thing it has not been allowed to export are two horse mackerel and jumbo flying squid loads, which are currently held in storage, because their documentation is incomplete. It has not been possible to determine the traceability of that resource to ensure that it was legally caught, and therefore, we cannot give permission for export,\" explained Araneda.

The authority explained that both the recent rejection of this shipment permit, as well as the previous seizure of more than 7,000 MT of fishmeal are the result of the control plan for pelagic fisheries being actioned by SERNAPESCA. This ensures that everyone associated with the activity along the entire production chain, from capture and landing, to marketing or exporting, is monitored and reviewed.

\"SERNAPESCA is mandated by law to enforce fishing regulations and ensure the sustainability of resources, to make fishing a sustainable economic activity in Chile. That is why we will not allow any sector to threaten or put pressure on us,\" stressed Araneda.

Source: Read the full article here.