

AA recommendations and digestibility co-efficients for whiteleg shrimp

Amino acid recommendations and digestibility co-efficients for whiteleg shrimp for an optimal but cost effective diet will be the thrust of the presentation by Dr. Alexandros Samartzis from Evonik, at the Aquafeed Horizons Asia Conference next month.

The substitution of fishmeal by alternative protein sources does not affect the growth, survival and feed conversion ratio of shrimp, as long as nutrient composition, including amino acid profile, are balanced to cover the specie’s requirements, Samartzis says. The digestibility coefficient of crude protein and individual amino acids of many ingredients will be presented in detail. Finally, all the recent advances in the AA nutrition of shrimp will explained alongside the solutions to the challenges of the complicated feeding behaviour of crustaceans.

Dr. Samartzis is one of 10 international speakers at\'s 9th technical conference for aquafeed professionals, Aquafeed Horizons Asia 2016 (Advances in Processing and Formulatio), taking place March 29th in Bangkok.

Previous conferences have attracted technical and senior management staff from the leading aquafeed mills from throughout the region and beyond. Pre-registration through the conference website ( is required to reserve a place at this popular meeting. You are urged to register now if you plan to attend.

Full details and registration.