

ADIPREM: new FEFANA representative in Spain

Collaboration assures representation of FEFANA in Spain

ADIPREM: new FEFANA representative in Spain

FEFANA Asbl (EU Feed Additives and Premixtures Association) and ADIPREM (Federación Española de Aditivos y Premezclas para la Salud y la Nutrición Animal) recently signed an agreement establishing the basis of a collaboration that, from 1st January 2008 on, assures the representation of FEFANA in Spain.

Since their foundation, both associations have represented the feed additives and premixtures industry in their respective areas of activity (FEFANA in Europe, ADIPREM in Spain). FEFANA works as an integrated European network, assuring its representation in the EU Member States via National Platforms. This includes representation vis-à-vis national authorities and industry partners, and information to and coordination of national feed additives and premixtures operators.

From now on, the interests of FEFANA’s Spanish members will be represented through the ADIPREM-FEFANA platform, ensuring strong representation in Spain as well as across the EU-wide FEFANA structure.

This new platform is already active under the name ADIPREM-FEFANA: