

AFIA Statement on action to Block Reopening of Canadian Border

American Feed Industry Association has issued a statement expressing concern over action by the U.S. Senate intended to block the Administration’s proposed reopening of the Canadian border to beef imports

AFIA joins other leading agricultural organizations in expressing concern over action by the U.S. Senate intended to block the Administration’s proposed reopening of the Canadian border to beef imports.  The Senate resolution would negate a proposal by the Department of Agriculture allowing resumption of trade in Canadian beef and cattle less than 30 months of age. 

AFIA feels the legislative action sends the wrong message about the significance of science-based regulations and will hinder future efforts to normalize international trade relations.  USDA’s decision to reopen the border was well-conceived and based on confidence in current animal and public health safeguards.   These protections are working very well in the United States and Canada.

AFIA is confident that the U.S. beef supply is safe and will remain so when the barriers to specific beef imports to animals under 30 months are removed.  AFIA encourages all branches of government to use diligence and sound science when making decisions that impact the safety of our food system and trade relations.