

AgriProtein grants licenses to build feed factories in Australasia

AgriProtein Technologies has granted its Australian partner Twynam Group licenses to build and operate 20 fly-factories across Australasia. The fly-factories will produce industrial volumes of the insect-based feed (MagMeal™). When operational, the 20 factories together will be able to recycle 1.8 million tonnes of waste per year across the region. “Today marks another step in the fight to replace fish-meal in aquaculture and animal feeds – the start of a global roll-out of the only tried and tested, commercially-viable alternative.\"

AgriProtein Technologies has granted its Australian partner Twynam Group licenses to build and operate 20 fly-feed factories across Australasia. The fly-factories will produce industrial volumes of the insect-based feed (MagMeal™) for use in farming and aquaculture as an alternative to fishmeal.

When operational, the 20 factories together will be able to recycle 1.8 million tonnes of waste per year across the region.

 “Today marks another step in the fight to replace fish-meal in aquaculture and animal feeds – the start of a global roll-out of the only tried and tested, commercially-viable alternative,” stated AgriProtein MD David Drew.

“As a world leader in sustainable agriculture and energy production, Twynam is always seeking new ways to make a difference,” said Johnny Kahlbetzer, CEO of the Twynam Group. “Working with AgriProtein is helping to resolve two sustainability issues, waste management and depleting fishery resources.  We’re looking forward to pioneering this new sustainable sector with them.”

AgriProtein announced the agreement at yesterday’s award presentation of the Australian government-backed Blue Economy Challenge 2016.

In addition to the investment announced last week, AgriProtein recently won an AU$450,000 award for its industrially-scalable solution to the depletion of fish stocks in the Indian Ocean.

David Drew continued: “The government launched the Blue Economy Challenge as a project to re-engineer aquaculture.  So we’re investing our award in building the scale needed to do that, chiefly in research, market-making and product development.  Huge thanks to the good people of Australia for this vote of confidence, which will help us fulfil our mission to find a better way to feed the world.”

MagMeal™ is a high-protein feed made from the dried, milled and de-fatted larvae of the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens). Using an armada of 8.5 billion flies, a standard AgriProtein factory takes in 250 tonnes of organic matter per day and produces nearly 5,000 tonnes of MagMeal™ and 2,000 tonnes of MagOil™ per year to replace the use of fish-meal.

Learn more about AgriProtein