

Aid Announced For US Ag Producers Affected By Hurricanes Of 2005

Aquaculture funding ditribution program set up

On January 26, 2006, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced $2.8 billion in aid to assist victims of the 2005 hurricane season. USDA is providing $250 million for crop disaster, livestock, tree, and aquaculture assistance from Section 32 funds. These funds will be distributed by way of five new programs: Hurricane Indemnity Program (HIP); Tree Indemnity Program (TIP); Feed Indemnity Program (FIP); Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP); and Aquaculture Grants.

Block grants will be awarded to states adversely affected by the hurricanes for aquaculture losses. Aquaculture producers not covered by other disaster programs will be eligible for these funds.

USDA's Farm Service Agency (FSA) will administer the five programs. Sign-up dates for the new programs will be announced when new regulations and software have been developed. Application procedures for aquaculture funds will be made by governors or their designees.

For more information about these and other USDA disaster programs, visit