

AkerBioMarine targets Asian market

Simon Seward was named Aker BioMarine’s new VP QRILL Sales in Asia.
AkerBioMarine targets Asian market

In order to continue its expansion across Asia, AkerBioMarine has named Simon Seward Aker BioMarine’s new VP QRILL Sales in Asia.

Simon worked for the past six years for Norwegian human nutrition group SanaPharma in a variety of management roles and brings an in-depth knowledge of the international B2B nutritional market to his new position, along with invaluable hands-on experience of brand development, sales, marketing and distribution in South East Asia. Simon played a leading role in establishing new distribution partners for the company in Asia, collaborating on country-specific sales and marketing plans, sales training, regulatory and R&D support.

Sigve Nordrum, EVP Animal Health and Nutrition, Aker BioMarine, believes that this experience will prove vital in Simon’s new position. He says that “a truly unique market, offering both enormous potential and significant challenges, operators looking to succeed in Asia must have an in-depth understanding of how regional customs, business etiquette, localized sales drivers and economics intersect. It is why Simon, with his extensive market experience of SE Asia, was the standout candidate for this role.”