

ALGADIET project to produce turbot algae-based feed

Researchers from the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) launched the ALGADIET project. The main objective is the development of new turbot functional feed based on the partial substitution of fishmeal by algae.
ALGADIET project to produce turbot algae-based feed

One of the main challenges that aquaculture faces nowadays is the design of sustainable and environmentally friendly feed. New raw ingredients should be included in order to reduce the dependence on the availability of fish oils and fishmeal. These new ingredients should not only provide the necessary nutrients for fish optimal development but also ingredients to improve their health status. In this sense, the substitution of fishmeal and fish oils by algae is one of the most promising options, not only for its protein content, essential amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, but also for the presence of other compounds that confer an additional role as a functional ingredient.

The objective of the ALGADIET project is the development and optimization of new functional feed based on the partial substitution of fishmeal by microalgae and macroalgae. New feed ingredients will be tested on turbot fry (Scophthalmus maximus) based on the principles of sustainability and environmental protection in aquaculture.

The Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), is a public research organization dedicated to marine research, especially to scientific knowledge of the oceans, sustainability of fishery resources and marine environment.