

Aller Aqua upgrades fry feeds for faster growth and lower mortality

The company improved and fine-tuned the content of marine phospholipids rich in PUFA’s in Aller Aqua’s fry feed range allowing for uniformly sized fry, no deformities and low mortality.

Aller Aqua upgrades fry feeds for faster growth and lower mortality

Fast-growing healthy fish are the foundation of every successful fish farm. This is especially true for newly-hatched larvae and fry that are vulnerable to stressors and nutrient deficiencies, leading to early mortality, deformities and delayed growth. Fish larvae and fry require high levels of essential nutrients at their underdeveloped stages for their current and future well-being. Farmers require uniformly sized larvae and fry with low mortality, no deformities and fast growth.

The importance of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in the nutrition of larvae and fry is well-documented and PUFA’s have been a focus area when developing fry feeds at Aller Aqua. Similarly, the form in which PUFA’s are included in the feed has gained much attention.

Recent research at Aller Aqua Research has shown the importance and benefits of improving and fine-tuning the content of marine phospholipids rich in PUFA’s in Aller Aqua’s fry feed range. Phospholipids, deriving from krill oil or purified fish oil, are essential for maintaining membrane homeostasis, gene expression, hormone synthesis, neurological development and inflammatory response. PUFA’s presented as phospholipids are digested and metabolized more efficiently than PUFA’s in other lipid classes.

Extensive studies with trout fry at Aller Aqua Research and at a farm test showed improved growth when fish were fed ALLER INFA EX GR and ALLER FUTURA EX GR than fish fed with major competing brands. At the same time, fish fed with Aller Aqua fry feeds were more uniformly sized, showed no deformities and had lowered mortality down to one percent in trout fry up to 3 g.

“We consider this another milestone in the evolution of fry feeds at Aller Aqua in recent years, focusing on the needs of the fish and benefits for the farmer. The upgrade applies to all of Aller Aqua’s fry feeds helping all of our fry feed customers to improved performance,” the company said.