

Alliance formed to create a single international standard for feed ingredient quality

Common standard will cover the requirements of the global sourcing of feed ingredients to European feed manufacturers.
Alliance formed to create a single international standard for feed ingredient quality

The Alliance’s vision is to develop a common standard (International Feed Ingredient Standard - IFIS), which will make an important contribution to ensuring feed and food safety. The IFIS will be a common standard which will cover the requirements of the global sourcing of feed ingredients to the European feed manufacturers.

The IFSA will establish and manage an International Feed Ingredient Programme (IFIP) to ensure consistency, control of the implementation, certification, and auditing of the IFIS.

The parties say IFSA recognises the importance of close collaboration with all supplier stakeholder partners in the preparation of the IFSA Program and is committed to achieving this vision in the most cost-effective manner.

"All the parties involved in this important initiative recognise the benefits which will be achieved by bringing certification and auditing under a common international IFSA Programme. In addition, this single standard will also facilitate European co-operation and harmonisation", a press release said. There will be a phased replacement of existing standards from January 2005.

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