

Alltech Symposium Challenges the Feed Industry to Re- imagine

Alltech’s 2004 International Feed Industry Symposium will challenge the feed industry to use its imagination in order to move toward a more productive, profitable and sustainable future.
Alltech Symposium Challenges the Feed Industry to Re- imagine

This year’s symposium, “Re-imagining the Feed Industry,” will introduce the newest and most innovative research to come out of universities, laboratory and field trials around the world. From adopting the best business practices for breeding healthy animals to maximise performance, this year’s agenda touches all aspects of animal production. Speakers from around the globe will reveal best practice method and how these can be improved in the future.

Since its foundation, Alltech has been committed to keeping the animal feed at the leading edge of product and production developments worldwide. “In our field the only way to continue moving forward is to support and promote the imagination and work of our partners in the scientific community,” said Dr Pearse Lyons, Alltech president. “Together, we are better able to meet and conquer the kinds of challenges that are present in the food industry today.”

Topics this year will include:
· Redefining mineral nutrition and requirements
· The 30-minute rule of mycotoxins
· Challenges of producing antibiotic-free meat for export markets
· Safety in the food production chain
· Organic selenium – Paradigm shift in vitamin E nutrition
· Immune modulators
· Strategies to improve dry matter intake
· Natural, human and petfood grade antioxidants
· Animal production success – from nucleotides to Omega 3 fatty acids
· Alternative forages for dairy production
· Feed to milk: A new template for dairy rationing worldwide
· Next generation of microorganisms for silage inoculants
· Fescue toxicity
· World poultry business review
· International aquaculture review
· Nursery pig nutrition
· Addressing the challenges of race horses
· New developments in petfood stability and shelf life

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