

American Feed Industry Association welcomes catfish drug approval

AFIA welcomes first new drug for U.S. aquaculture in 20 years; will help users to understand requirements for use

The American Feed Industry Association has welcomed the approval of Aquaflor

AFIA spokesman, Richard Sellers said the association believes the approval of the new catfish animal drug, florfenicol (Aquaflor), as a veterinary feed directive drug will assist in the judicious use of this new drug - the first new aquaculture drug in more than 20 years. 


“AFIA is continuing to assist the drug sponsor, Schering-Plough Animal Health, catfish producers and the feed industry in understanding the requirements of the VFD system and is hosting a VFD workshop during Aquaculture America in Las VegasNV, February 13-15, 2006.  This is a new system for catfish farmers, but one that is relatively easy to understand."


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Related article: U.S. aquaculture gains drug approval under MUMS ( 10/9/06)
Florfenicol (Aquaflor®), permitted for use in controlling conditions in catfish, hybrid striped bass, salmonids, and tilapia.