

Application for Federal Fellows Program deadline approaching

The California Sea Grant College Program is now accepting applications for the 2008 Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship. (US applicants only)

Application for  Federal Fellows Program deadline approaching

The California Sea Grant College Program is now accepting applications for the 2008 Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship. (US applicants only)

The Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Program is a National Sea Grant sponsored Federal Fellows Program that provides a unique educational experience to students who have an interest in marine/ocean/Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting these resources. The program matches highly qualified graduate students with hosts in the legislative branch, the executive branch, or appropriate associations/institutions located in the Washington, D.C. area for a one-year paid fellowship ($33,000 stipend). An additional $7,000 will be used to cover mandatory health insurance for the Fellow, moving expenses, academic degree-related and fellowship-related travel.

The full request for application and application guidelines are available on California Sea Grant's Knauss website at; follow the Education link to Knauss Fellowship. For more detailed information about host offerings, selection process, and the placement process in Washington D.C., please visit the National Sea Grant Knauss site at

Timetable 2007
February 28
Application materials from each student due at the California Sea Grant Office.
March 6-14 Interviews for selection of CA Sea Grant candidates.
April 5 Application materials from Sea Grant Programs due at the National Sea Grant Office.
May 18 Sea Grant Programs notified of selection results.
November xx Placement Week (exact dates TBD): Selected applicants required to travel to Washington, D.C., for interviews with potential hosts.

Feb 1, 2008 Start of the fellowship.

For more information please contact Shauna Oh at or 858-534-4440.

For those of you considering this program, we would appreciate you notifying her of your intent to apply.