

Apply for small business innovation research program - US

The USDA SBIR program aims to develop new technologies that will enhance the knowledge and technology base necessary for the expansion of the domestic aquaculture industry.The USDA SBIR program aims to develop new technologies that will enhance the knowledge and technology base necessary for the expansion of the domestic aquaculture industry.

Apply for small business innovation research program

The USDA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer programs support US-based small businesses solving issues (with commercial potential) related to food and agriculture focusing on transforming scientific discovery into products and services with commercial potential and/or societal benefit. The programs also support an aquaculture priority area. 

The aquaculture topic area funds research projects with the overall goal of improved production efficiency and increased competitiveness of private sector, commercial aquaculture in the United States. This topic area aims to develop new technologies that will enhance the knowledge and technology base necessary for the expansion of the domestic aquaculture industry. Studies on commercially important species of fish, shellfish and aquatic plants from both freshwater and marine environments are included.

Small businesses and small proprietorships that are in business for profit are eligible to submit applications to this program. Each organization submitting a proposal must qualify as a small business concern for research or research and development purposes. Closing date is October 6, 2022. 

More information here.