

Aquaculture Feed Technical Courses Announced

Membrane World has announced two shortcourses to be held along sideaquaculture meetings

Aquaculture Feed Technical Courses Announced

5th Practical Short Course: Aquafeed Americas 2007  Aquaculture Feed Extrusion, Nutrition, & Feed Management
San Antonio, Texas, USA,  25 - 26 February 2007

This shortcourse is held next to the Aquaculture 2007 Conference and Exhibition. Aquafeed Americas short course attendees will receive a complimentary pass to the Aquaculture 2007 Trade show to be held on Feb 26 - Mar 2, 2007 - San Antonio, Texas USA. Aquafeed Americas short course attendees can separately register for the Aquaculture 2007 Conference at WAS member rate.

6th Practical Short Course: Aquafeed Euro-Asia 2007  Aquaculture Feed Extrusion, Nutrition, & Feed Management
Istanbul, Turkey, October 23-24, 2007

This shortcourse is held next to the Aquaculture Europe 2007 Conference and Exhibition. Aquafeed Euro-Asia short course attendees will receive a complimentary pass to the Aquaculture Europe 2007 Trade show to be held on Nov 25-28, 2007 – Istanbul, Turkey. Aquafeed Euro-Asia short course attendees can separately register for the Aquaculture 2007 Conference at EAS member rate.

For more information visit the conference website: