

Aquaculture industry voices project seeks funders

Last fall The Aquaculture Communications Group, LLC (ACG), started a fascinating new project, named Aquaculture Industry Voices, which seeks to interview pioneers who have contributed to the growth of the modern aquaculture industry around the world. ACG is now seeking financial help to continue its important work.

Last fall The Aquaculture Communications Group, LLC (ACG), started a fascinating new project, named Aquaculture Industry Voices, which seeks to interview pioneers who have contributed to the growth of the modern aquaculture industry around the world. ACG is now seeking financial help to continue its important work.

Tor-Eddie Fossbakk, founding partner of ACG, said the company believes it is important to capture these pioneers\' stories, experiences and insights before it is too late. More often now, we read and hear about members of the industry retiring or passing away. It is a fact that many of those who were instrumental in building the modern, commercial aquaculture sector are reaching an age where they may not be among us much longer.

“By preserving the stories, experiences and insights from the outgoing generation, we want to provide an opportunity for the younger and incoming generations working in the industry to learn from their predecessors,” he said.

Fossbakk also quoted Winston Churchill as saying, “Those who fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.”

\"Our goal is to help future generations learn from our industry\'s pioneers in order to make the best choices to bring the industry forward.\"
Are people interested in the project?

“Over the eight months since the first video interview was launched we have received only positive feedback,” Fossbakk said. \"Last week several thousand people in almost 90 different countries visited the project\'s website.\"

How is ACG funding this project?

\"Despite the overwhelming verbal support of the project, there seems to be a misunderstanding that internet content does not cost anything to create.\" Mr Fossbakk said that ACG self-funded the first round of nineteen interviews.

\"However, ACG is a very small organization with very limited financial resources. We need external support in order to continue this project and make it the success we believe it can be.\"

\"Travel, accommodations, equipment purchases and rentals, video production costs and Internet server costs are substantial. In an effort to reduce costs, we plan to use major trade shows and conferences around the world as venues to meet as many potential interviewees as possible. Examples of meeting places include Aquaculture America, Aquaculture Canada, GAA´s GOAL conferences, Aqua Nor, Aqua Sur, WAS conferences, as well as other national and regional events.\"

Lacking financial support

Despite numerous attempts to invite individuals, companies, organizations and institutions to support the project, Mr. Fossbakk said that only a select few have stepped up and offered financial support. The most common excuse for not supporting the project, despite encouragement to “keep up the good work”, is that there is no budget for this type of support.

What is the broader audience?

Mr. Fossbakk said his company believes in aquaculture being the future source for the growing demand for seafood to feed the growing world population. Making the interviews with industry pioneers available to the aquaculture community as well as the general population will help educate people about all that this extremely sustainable food producing industry has to offer.

\"ACG has been a strong supporter of the global aquaculture industry since 2003. Our objective is to promote the industry and its products in a positive way and provide some balance to all the negative publicity launched against it. We have done this through our S&T/R&D blog and our numerous guided tours to aquaculture conferences, trade shows and aquaculture facilities. The Aquaculture Industry Voices project is just our latest effort to support the industry,\" says Mr. Fossbakk.

What is the easiest way to help support the project?

Mr. Fossbakk said that the easiest way to help financially is to go to the project website and pledge a contribution by clicking on either the GoFundMe or PayPal links.
