

Aquaculture Program at U.S. Feed Show

The American Feed Industry Association’s (AFIA) Expo ’03, being held at the Minneapolis Convention Center, May 5-7, 2003 will, for the first time, include an Educational Forum session devoted exclusively to aquaculture.

Taking place on Monday, May 5, from 8:00-Noon, the program will feature aquaculture leaders from the industry, academia, and government addressing the future direction of aquaculture, with special emphasis given to the Expo theme “Feed to Food…Committed to Consumer Confidence.”

Scheduled speakers and topics are:
Keynote: “Why Aquaculture in the United States?”
Dr. George Chamberlain, Global Aquaculture Alliance

“Future Nutrition and Food Safety Challenges in Aquaculture”
Dr. Ron Hardy, University of Idaho, Aquaculture Research Institute

“How Can Fish Cope with Pathogen Infections via Innate Defense Responses”,
Dr. Tom Chen, University of Connecticut

“Creative Advances in Aquaculture: Water Recycling, Electricity Production, Cages”, Dr. Randy MacMillan, Clear Springs Foods and President, National Aquaculture Association

“Cloning and Genetic Improvement in Aquaculture”
Dr. Bill Hershberger, USDA, Agricultural Research Service, National Center for Cool & Cold Water Aquaculture Research

In addition to aquaculture, other Educational Forum sessions will be held on feed production, pet food, information technology, general industry, microbials & enzymes, and nutrition.

Running concurrently with the Educational Forum will be the Feed Industry Show. Since its inception in 1949, this event has become the foremost venue for showcasing new industry advances, attracting exhibitors and audiences from all sectors of agribusiness, including feed, ingredient and equipment manufacturers; analytical products and services; transportation; computer software systems; premix and milk replacer manufacturers; mill designers, engineers and construction; pharmaceutical and animal health products; microbial, enzyme and fermentation products; and trade publications.

More program details and registration information can be found at the AFIA web site, or call +1 703 524-0810.